Waiver Division
We are proud to serve the Michigan counties of: Bay, Clare, Gladwin,
Gratiot, Huron, Isabella, Midland, Saginaw, Sanilac, and Tuscola.
Referral Process
Our Intake Department can take your calls and perform a short phone assessment to determine if the case can be assigned to an admit team consisting of a Registered Nurse and Social Worker. If you do not meet the MI Choice Intake Guide (the MIG), the intake department will provide any relevant information as to any available community resources. If you pass the MIG, a team will be assigned to assess you for MI Choice Program eligibility by performing your assessment in the home, hospital or nursing home. All MI Choice Waiver applicants can receive a MI Choice assessment upon request. Our admissions team will contact you to set up an assessment date and time.
To reach our Intake Department, please call 1-800-884-3335.
Program Qualifications
Financial Eligibility:
Participant gross monthly income level cannot exceed $2,901.00 per month (SSI, RSDI, Pension, Workers Compensation, and Railroad Retirement).
The Waiver program asset limit for an individual is $2,000.00 (Checking, Savings, CD’s, Savings Bonds, Trust Funds or life insurance with specific face value). This doesn’t include 1 house and 1 vehicle. If home hasn’t sold and person lives in handicap accessible apartment, DHHS may waiver home for sale. If the individual needs to apply for Medicaid eligibility, a Supports Coordinator will assist the individual with a Medicaid.
Medicaid financial eligibility is determined by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). Married applicants should seek direction from MDHHS regarding the financial guidelines.
The waiver is designed to provide home and community based services to the aged (65 and older) and disabled individuals over 18 years of age.
Whenever possible, informal caregivers (family, neighbors, friends, etc.) and/or community agencies that provide services at no charge are utilized prior to purchasing Medicaid Waiver services. Medicaid Waiver services are not to be used to replace but to support informal (unpaid) care. The Medicaid Waiver participant cannot retain already existing adult home help services provided by the local Department of Health and Human Services. The Medicaid Waiver can provide community transportation as a Waiver Service.
Nursing Home Eligibility:
Participants must meet established criteria for nursing home admission.
Service Needs Eligibility:
Participants must need Support Coordination & at least one of the available fourteen (14) waiver services.
Contact Medicaid Waiver Program at A&D Home Health Care at 989-249-0929 or 1-800-884-3335 for additional information.
If qualifying for services, you will be able to select providers based on your need and the geographic area to be served.
A list of A&D providers.
Contracted providers are required to attend annual provider training with A&D MI Choice Waiver. In addition, our providers must remain current and in compliances with Waiver Contract Attachments, and Operating Standards.
If you have questions regarding contracting requirements, or other provider related questions, please contact our Contract Specialist, Melissa Little 1-800-884335.
Download Current FY (Fiscal Year) Waiver Contract Attachments for Review:
Requirements for Office of Inspector General
Download Current FY (Fiscal Year) Operating Standards for Review:
In addition, all contracted providers will be subject to random program audits. The audit tool can be accessed, so that providers are aware of the audit elements and prepare for the audit accordingly.
Download Current FY (Fiscal Year) Audit Tool for Providers:
Lastly, all contracted Adult Foster Care and Home for the Aged must remain in compliance with the Home and Community Based ruling. This ruling provides for AFC and HFA residents to have the same rights and access to the community that our home-based participants are receiving.
Download Current FY (Fiscal Year) Audit Tool: Home and Community Based Compliance Tool:
Home and Community Based Compliance Tool
MI Choice Waiver Contracts
If you have questions regarding contracting opportunities, please contact our Contract Specialist, Susie Arthur or Melissa Little 1-800-884-3335. Contracts are based on multiple factors including: program need, services provided, geographic region served, and cost.
In the past, nursing homes used to be the only option for older or disabled persons who needed help caring for themselves. Now there are many choices that allow individuals to live independently while receiving nursing facility level of care in their home or in a community setting.
One program run by Michigan Medicaid is the MI Choice Waiver Program. It began in 1992 as the Home and Community Based Services for the Elderly and Disabled (HCBS/ED) waiver program. We now know it as the MI Choice Waiver Program, or simply, "the waiver." A&D Home Health Care, Waiver Division is one of the 20 Waiver programs ran in Michigan.
Through MI Choice, eligible adults who meet income and asset criteria can receive Medicaid-covered services like those provided by nursing homes but can stay in their own home or another residential setting. Each participant can receive the basic services Michigan Medicaid covers, supports coordination, and one or more of the following services in the waiver:
Adult day health (adult day care)
Chore services
Community living supports
Community transportation
Environmental accessibility adaptations
Fiscal intermediary
Goods and services
Home delivered meals
Nursing services
Personal emergency response systems (PERS)
Private duty nursing/respiratory care
Respite services
Specialized medical equipment and supplies
2nd: Program Qualifications
3rd: Referral Process
​Report Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation or Medicaid Fraud, Waste, Abuse
To report Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation of an Elderly or Vulnerable person in Michigan: CALL CENTRAL INTAKE: 1-855-444-3911. You will remain anonymous. There is no excuse for Elder Abuse!
Report Fraud, Waste, Abuse of Medicaid Funds:
MDHHS Office of Health Services Inspector General
P.O. Box 30479
Lansing, MI 48909-7979
Toll Free Phone: (855) 643-7283
State Attorney General
Health Care Fraud Division
Department of Attorney General
Medicaid Fraud Control Unit
P.O. Box 30218
Lansing, MI 48909
Phone: 1-855-MI-FRAUD (855) 643-7283
Online: www.michigan.gov/fraud
If you don’t find what you are looking for on this site or are looking for other community resources, give us a call at 1-800-8884-3335 and ask for one of our Outreach Specialists to assist you.
How are we doing?
You may Email us to tell us how we are doing or for any Concerns or commendations regarding the Waiver program. Your feedback is important, and we will follow up on any feedback received.